Nancy A. Nichols


Expert at developing and branding
content with profitable results

A former senior editor at The Harvard Business Review, Nancy has worked with top executives and academics at the Harvard Business School, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Monitor Company, PWC, Booz & Co. and more. She has created videos, websites, books, articles and five trademarked products for use in the consulting industry.

Her writing has appeared in publications as diverse as The New York Times Book Review, The Harvard Business Review, The Nation, and Glamour.  Her book, Lake Effect: Two Sisters and a Town’s Toxic Legacy, received an honorable mention in the 2009 Rachel Carson Book Award contest sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists.  The article she edited for Peter Drucker, “The Theory of the Business,” was awarded the 1994 McKinsey Prize for best article in The Harvard Business Review.

She has made multiple media appearances including those on NPR and PBS’s MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour.  Nancy was the Keynote speaker at Teresa Heinz’s Women’s Health and Environment Conference in 2008 and 2009 and was honored by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis for leadership in the environmental arena in 2009.